Andanar is a Spanish company located in the city of Barcelona, specialized in repairing dents, PAINTLESS and WITHOUT DAMAGING THE PAINT. We have a very rigorous work philosophy in order to achieve maximum customer satisfaction.
What do we do?
We provide a professional service of high quality and at the lowest possible cost. We have a fully trained team in the PDRsystem (Paintless Dent Removal)and with many years of work in the area of automotive industry .
The system PDR (paintless dent removal) also known in Spain as DSP. Is a system used in repairing small dents caused by hail, mainly through the use of specific tools designed for this purpose. With PDR, the metal body is virtually «massaged» from inside the panel, until the damaged area is repaired, correcting the heights and levels with great precision. No need to use paints or mastics in repair, and it helps keep the body in its original state. Using the PDR system we can repair all kinds of dents in doors, roof, hood, wings, trunk and rails. It is important to note that this system is always used if the paint has not been damaged or metal is not wrinkled.
Advantages of our service:
• Very quick repair.
• Work will be performed with in customer premises. No need to move the vehicles. Our technicians travel to any country of the European Union.
• Cheaper service than traditional repairs. Between 30% to 50% savings, because the application of materials for grinding, polishing and especially paint is not necessary.
• Repairs are carried out both, new and used vehicles.
• The application of the PDR system is a total adaptation to the customer requirements: delivery times , number of vehicles to repair, space available.

We adapt to your needs

Fast response time 48hrs

We move to your workspace

Free apprisals

High Proficiency

We adapt to your needs

Fast response time 48hrs

We move to your workspace

Free apprisals

High Proficiency
From Barcelona to any country of the European Union, quickly, efficiently and with excellent quality.
The methods and tools we use to repair with PDR system, are totally ecological and meet European standards of safety and sanitation.
A young company with proven experience in the service of the automobile.
Business headquarters
Carrer de Nill Fabra 34-Entresuelo 2ºB
(08012) Barcelona, España
Mov:+34 645 500 227
+34 655 851 770
Fijo: +34 932 374 241
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